cooking games

Make osso buco

To cook Osso buco recipe you need to follow the guidelines of this cooking game and prepare this tasty dish. Mix up the ingredients like veal shanks, carrots, onion, celery, garlic and many more as per requirements. This Italian dish has a great taste and flavor.

Darling Cupcakes Deco

Cupcakes are great, everybody loves them! They also look funny, because of their small size. There are so many cupcakes recipes, that you often can\'t decide which one to make. But today we will learn how to make yummy fruity cupcakes.

Lemon Cheesecake Bars

Lemon Cheesecake Bar is an easy to do and delicious recipe that the family will surely love and enjoy to eat together. The total time to make this sweet and healthy snack is 50 minutes. You will need 20 minutes for preparation and 30 minutes in cooking.


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